Liberals can be just as crazy...

Last week I showed a video of Bill O'Reilly and his conservative propaganda, but republicans are not the only ones who occasionally have low journalistic standards. This week I have posted a clip from Keith Olbermann on msnbc.

The Lowdown

Mr. Olbermann's show claims to reveal "The worst persons in the world." How does it do that? By defining people based on a single event (as if any person can be weighed by that).


Olbermann starts the video out sarcastically saying the 3rd worst person had "common sense" while implying the opposite, he also refers to a budget the person made as "bs" and jokes about it. Then he refers to rival station Fox News as "Fixed News."

Olbermann refers to Bill O'Reilly as "the sad clown," and refers to Bill's producer as a "stalker." Olbermann also calls Bill "Today's worst person in the world."

Propaganda Techniques

Photos through out the video show the people Olbermann labels as "the worst in the world" with unflattering facial poses, and were obviously used to discredit them. Olbermann also reads their quotes with voices that seem purposefully dumbed down.

Olbermann uses name calling and condescending language when referring to the three people the video clip is on.

The Big Picture

As much as Keith Olbermann dislikes Bill O'Reilly his show is literally a carbon copy that was flipped 180 degrees.

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