It seems like in this country everyone has gotten way too comfortable with being oblivious. Yes, we are all busy, overworked, and underpaid. Yes, we all have kids, jobs, school, and mortgages. There are a thousand reasons why people don't stay informed, but the one I find to be the most prominent is fear.

Lets face it, our last leader led through fear. Fox news trys to make us afraid of everything including the water we drink! All around us we are being told to be afraid!

In times like these we need to remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Well, that's true, and then again, it's not true. Fear is a property of a much bigger culprit called ignorance, and you should be afraid of that.

Right now our economy is in shambles, yet most people don't care until they lose their job or their house is foreclosed on. They are either too afraid to look at the big picture, too oblivious to know that anything is wrong, or too ignorant to acknowledge that there is a problem.

Every person in this country has something called spending power. Where we spend our money shapes the economy and United States business in general. When you spend half your paycheck on products that are not made in the United States you are hurting the economy and ultimately you are hurting yourself.

In an effort to circumvent labor laws most companies have sent their factories overseas where they can pay workers pennies an hour. This was so successful that companies decided to send other jobs overseas to save money. So back here in America we keep losing jobs.

The companies that have their products made overseas save a lot of money by not having to pay the American minimum wage, because of this they can sell their products for much less than companies that manufacture in the USA.

When you go to Walmart, or anywhere else, and you buy these cheap products you are supporting the loss of American jobs. You are making China and other foreign countries rich while our own country struggles with a 13 billion dollar deficit.

Do you want more proof that where you spend money makes a difference? Remember those economic stimulus checks we got last year? They were the Bush Administration's idea on how to fix the economy. Do you know why we aren't getting them this year? Because they didn't work, the majority of Americans chose to spend them on electronics that were made overseas. The only economy we stimulated was China's; we borrowed the money from them in the first place, and then we sent it right back to them when we bought our new tv, cellphone, and the like. And we still have to pay it back!

Another reason our economy is crap: war profiteering. Want another one? Read the news, stay informed, and don't complain about the economy if you are going to be a passive sheep. Our economy sucks, and it's our own fault.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's crazy how oblivious people are to everything that is happening right now. Ignorance is bliss, and Americans are no exception. War profiteering bugs me to no end, and most people I run into hardly realize it exists, let alone comprehend how much of the money going to government contracts is wasted.

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