My curiosity got the better of me so I decided to watch the short video (which is embedded below). I try not to watch Bill O'Reilly very much (he's the king of Fox News propaganda), and I almost immediately realized that it was a mistake to watch the video.
The video starts out on a positive note, but that only lasts for about 10 seconds, and it becomes clear that "President Obama does the right thing" is nothing more than a short living back-handed compliment.
Bill O'Reilly begins his trademark name calling by saying that liberals are "left-wing loons." He then says most "sane" Americans agree with him. Then more name-calling "These people are so stupid they're dangerous."
Once Bill O'Reilly begins to talk in terms that even "NBC news can understand," he begins the fear tactics. He says that drastic action had to be taken to prevent more "murder," a word that was obviously carefully planted.
O'Reilly continues to say that tough action was taken and "it worked, we were not attacked again." What he should have said is that terrorists did not attack us on "United States soil" again. It was unnecessary because we went to them, and there have been too many casualties (military and civilian) in the middle east to say that it has been a successful "tough action."
O'Reilly then calls anyone who questions the post 9/11 action an "ideological nut." He also says that anti-bush sentiments are "simply hateful" and based on nothing but the liberal need for "revenge." He says that Bush's mistakes are fodder for "haters who couldn't care less about America." These remarks blanket every individual who questions the Bush Administration as a bad person.
O'Reilly ends the clip with more fear tactics saying "We are living in a very dangerous time; people want to kill us." Then he declares once more that any opinions that differs from his are "Anti-American garbage."
So (under Bill O'Reilly's logic) if you didn't like how the Bush Administration went back on the Geneva Convention you are a bad person. If you think that Bush allowing war-profiteering was wrong that makes you "Un-American." If you even think that it wouldn't hurt anyone to just have an investigation- that makes you a hater.
If the Bush Administration didn't do anything wrong, then why are Republicans so hardcore against the public examining it? Republicans didn't feel like wanting to know whether or not Bill Clinton had a relationship with Monica Lewinski was Anti-American, and that wasn't nearly as serious as what some people think that the Bush Administration has tried to cover up.
Calling people names has never proven a point. Making people afraid is a functional way to control them, but does not prove a point either. Telling people that they are Anti-American if they disagree with you is not a good argument, and it does not make a news network "fair and balanced."
**Disclaimer** I am trying to make this blog as unbiased as possible, and since I spent this post analyzing conservative propaganda, I think it is only fair that I spend my next post analyzing liberal propaganda. If anyone has a good (and recent) example that I can use for my next post, please let me know.